Misty summer morning, Glitch and Copper Key are walking towards Digital Park. They are friends. It’s 2101. The world has been flooded, and yes, that has challenged the urban architecture, As they pass the door of the social wellness facility, the »Safety, Sanity, and Security« sign flashes, and a vague memory pops up : they remember that they don’t remember. Caught in an autocratic virtual world that feeds them with synthetic fries, they wonder how long they can continue to adapt. Will they succeed to hack the future?

Choregrapher Cécile Bally and Emma Tricard create with the foley artist Niels Bovri a performance based on a science-fiction novella that was written collectively with various groups in Kortrijk, Aix-en-Provence, Santiago de Chile, Reims, and Berlin. Drawing from issues affecting each of these local communities, the piece became a political thriller, delving into questions of survival in autocratic (virtual) worlds and ecological collapse.

Choreography, Performance, Scenography : Emma Tricard & Cécile Bally
Sound design : Niels Bovri
Light Design :  Claire Terrien
Costume & Props Design :  Sara Wendt

German Premiere : December 2021 – Ballhaus Ost, Berlin
French Premiere : November 2022 – Festival BORN TO BE ALIVE – Manège, Scène Nationale – Reims



Sara Wendt/ Die Ausschreitung/ Costume & Probs

Sara Wendt/ Die Ausschreitung/ Costume & Probs

Sara Wendt/ Die Ausschreitung/ Costume & Probs


Photos: Dieter Hartwig

Dramaturgie : Alexandre Viard
Outside-eye : Asaf Aharonson, Tabea Xenia Magyar, Liselotte Singer
Production Management, Public Relations :  Frauke Niemann (D), Louise Vantalon (F)


A production by Cécile Bally and Association Vague Aventure
Co-produced by 3 bis f – centre d’arts contemporains d’intérêt national – Aix en Provence, Manège Scène Nationale – Reims, Fonds Transfabrik, german-french Fonds for performing art and RESONANCIAS Goethe Institut + Institut Français Chile)
With support of by Ballhaus Ost – Berlin, kunstencentrum BUDA – Kortrijk and NAVE – Santiago.
Funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds